Monday, February 26, 2007

"I find your lack of faith disturbing" - Darth Vader

I was walking through Borders Books yesterday with a friend, and I came across a book titled, "Letter to a Christian Nation." Curious, I stole a closer look. The piece is written by an atheist who published it in order to detract as much as possible from Christianity. Despite great temptation, I decided against setting fire to it there in the store.

I have never understood atheists or agnostics, despite a certain level of personal experience with the latter. Perhaps it is poetic justice that I use a different word that begins with the letter A to describe people who think in suchs ways: Arrogant. I am quite simply baffled by the arrogance required to state openly that if something is beyond the realm of human understanding it must, therefore, not exist.

I hope you will join me in praying that these people learn humility.

1 comment:

Obi Orjih said...

My dear friend,

I submit that it may perhaps be more arrogant to claim knowledge of something which, as you put it, "is beyond the realm of human understanding."