Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Affle House

I ate an an Affle House in Cincinnatti the other day. I tasted grits. They were, without a doubt, some of the nastiest things I've ever eaten. I now know exactly what grits are. They are corn mush, soaked in butter. And they look like chunky snot.

How people in the south can eat this sort of food is beyond my ability to comprehend, but I'm sure the intellect necessary to enjoy grits is the same intellect that believes the Civil War was actually the "War of Northern Agression."

The south will never rise again as long as chunky snot is their signature dish.


Anonymous said...

1. Cincinnati
2. Waffle House

You ate grits in Cincinnati. Cincinnati is in Ohio. Ohio is NOT in the south. Recheck your map.

Use of such infantile and easily defeated logic is at the center of your general inadequacy as a human being. Have a nice day.


Anonymous said...

Ok, this is Dolan:
Wow dude.
Dan, I consider you my friend (to some degree), and yes I do make fun of you quite a bit. Ok, I make fun of you a lot. But whoever this is doesn't like you at all. Bigtime my friend.
Which means I kinda like him. Or her, whatever.
