Thursday, November 10, 2005

The Gauntlet has been Thrown

That's right folks. Our friend anonymous returned to taunt me. Transgressions of this nature are not easily forgotten, neither are they easily punished. You will be caught, Anonymous. Oh yes, you will be caught. I only hope you have the guts to admit your identity when I reveal it...


Anonymous said...

Ok, this is Dolan again...

We all know Dan has very few friends, so maybe he's just writing to himself to keep his blog amusing?

I've got my 5 bucks on that one.

Anonymous said...

Now I personally consider the idea of Dan actually writing to himself quite humorous. The problem with this theory here is that it actually insults MY intelligence. So you can sleep well at night knowing that Dan isn't so starved for attention that he would actually write himself comments on his own blog.

Dan, I'm like a tiger stalking prey. My cover is not the tall weeds of the prairie, but the anonymity of the Internet. My attack is not the leap to sink teeth into flesh, but crisp insults hurled at the appropriate moments. So Mr Higa, rest assured I will continue to follow this blog from the weeds, pouncing at the precise moment.

I do feel compelled to say that knowing you personally I'm no doubt assured you'll be up for the challenge.