Saturday, July 07, 2007

I've Seen Better Days

In response to the earlier posting entitled, "Refreshment Necessary," a decision has been made. Many thanx to the anonymous poster who offered their opinion (was it you, Russ?) but I have decided against Vancouver. In fact, I have decided against every city I previously mentioned.

Daytona Beach, FL will be my refuge. There I will have 24 hour access to a Basilica Church, as well as private beach front property.

A word to all: As of the moment I arrive in Daytona on July 21st, my cell phone will be turned off and I will not venture near a computer until I leave on the 24th. If you need me very desperately, call Dr. Dre. If you don't know who Dr. Dre is, or you don't know how to get a hold of him, then you're out of luck.

Pray that I survive intact until my upcoming recess. Once I'm there, pray that I find some focus and peace.

1 comment:

J said...

Hey dude,

Hope your time away serves you well. Being away from a computer and phone is wonderfully therapeutic. Enjoy it, rest up, read some books, spend some qt in the basilica, and recharge.