Wednesday, July 11, 2007


Anyone who knows me or at least keeps up with this blog has no doubt noticed my sour mood of late. I believe I've discovered the root cause of my ills.

It's easy to point at my personal life and pick out an issue here and there that is, as yet, unresolved and stressfull. However, while these issues are important, they are not the most pressing issue leading to my ill state of mind.

The leading cause of my brooding is work. Now before you get too excited let me make it very clear that I still love my job. Unfortunately it has been at least two months since I've had a good week at work. Between uncooperative weather, untalented captains, and broken airplanes it seems that my summer has been snakebitten. It is perhaps ironic that my troubles at work began at almost exactly the same time as my troubles at home. When it rains it pours...

So why is it so critical that work be in order? I suppose it's simple. Flying is what makes me tick. It's the fuel for my engine. It is my passion. Very often it is a therapeutic release from the rigors of life at home. Unfortunately, when things at work are not going well, I get niether the release from the tyranny of my other life, nor the refreshment from endulging in my passion. The combination results in my foul mood.

Today was a wonderful day at work. Good weather, functional airplanes, and a captain who is a joy to work with. Today I feel refreshed, and renewed. Today I feel recharged. The sky's endless emptiness has once again filled me, and lightened my dark demeanor.

A couple of good, solid weeks at work coupled with my upcoming personal retreat, and all should be right with the world once again.

Pray for me.

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