Sunday, December 03, 2006

Dearest Karen

Dearest Karen

Thank you so much for expressing your thoughts here. (KP, As himself - March 2006) So you've been dating Kevin for 3 years and had no idea that KP existed? It seems to me that the fat man has some explaining to do...

Has he told you about the former Miss Teen Rhode Island? Perhaps he mentioned spring break in Destin...? Perhaps he mentioned his run-in with Kelly Clarkson...? Ask him about Paul and his chin sometime...

Truth be told, most of the best stories can be told by another contributor on this forum. My esteemed colleague BenDo would know more on the subject of embarrassing KP stories than I would. He'll tell you all about the night he drove all the way to Daytona from some distant land, only to have to drive a drunken KP and Fish back to their apartment.

Alas, I have not seen KP since Fisher's wedding, although I did share a brief greeting with him on the Boston Center frequency. Perhaps the next time I overnight in Providence we can catch up on some old times, and establish a new corner somewhere for KP to pass out in...

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