Monday, November 30, 2009

Best Intentions

It has, again, been a while. In September I came back to the blog in the hopes that I would continue it indefinitely. Instead it was nothing more than a brief visit. Granted, November was a busy hectic month. Perhaps now that training is mercifully behind me, I can return to the written word with renewed vigor.

I must warn you however: I am toying with the idea of writting a book. Whether that project spurs me to write more in the blog or exhausts me of my words has yet to be seen.

Would any of you actually read a book written by yours truly?


Obi Orjih said...

I would definitely try to read it, but I wouldn't stick it out if I didn't like it in an effort just to be nice. Lately it seems I have a habit of bailing on bad books.

Caroline said...

I would read it, whether or not it's good. If it is, it'll be a good read; if not, then I'll just quote it to you at opportune moments:-) Just kidding. What are you going to write about, if you do? Any idea?