Friday, August 17, 2007

Me? An optimist?

Those of you who know me would probably never use the word, "optimist" to describe me. In fact, Kate once gave me a book entitled, "Pessimisms" as a gag gift for my birthday. It still sits on my bookshelf...

But this week I am an optimist. I suppose if you were to look at the history of this blog my optimism would begin with a post from July 29th entitled "Life." The topic of that post then led me to author the posting about opportunity on the 30th, and then later the discussion of baggage on August 3rd. All a string of events that brings me to the here and now. And to optimism.

I wonder if optimism is less a state of mind and more a feeling. Many people are fond of pronouncing the phrase, "you can choose to be optimistic," but can you really? My experience teaches me that optimism is not a choice. The choice to make the best of things and putting your best foot forward despite circumstances is not optimism, and neither is that fake smile on your face. Those things are part of perseverance. ( No doubt they are important too, but not to this discussion.) Optimism is the heartfelt belief that a certain series of events will lead you to something better. The important word in that sentence is, "heartfelt." No matter how hard you try, you can't trick your heart into believing something it doesn't want to.

So there it is. I am optimistic today. Cautiously optimistic, but optimistic nonetheless.

From Iowa, to the grasping of an opportunity, to an honest examination of what it means to have baggage. Then the sudden realization that I am nurturing the heartfelt belief that this certain series of events will lead me to something better.

Life is interesting indeed...

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