Friday, August 03, 2007


Every single one of us, beyond a shadow of any doubt, has an interesting story to tell. Very often some of the most interesting stories come with what many people refer to as baggage. Baggage never has a positive connotation. I find that very interesting.

Often our lives are defined by "baggage." Events we had no control over, mistakes we made, misfortunes that have befallen us; all are merely ingredients needed to help form us as the people we are. Truth be told, it is not our baggage that defines us, but rather the manner in which we chose to handle our baggage. Some people allow their past to bury them. Some people never learn and are doomed to repeat their old failures. There are, however, a fortunate few who realize that their "baggage" is an oppurtunity to grow.

There is that word oppurtunity again. It is becoming a theme...

"In the clearing stands a boxer.
And a fighter by his trade.
And he carries the reminders,
of every glove that laid him down,
or cut him, 'til he cried out,
in his anger and his shame,
'I am leaving! I am leaving!'
though the fighter still remains."

- Paul Simon

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