Tuesday, May 04, 2010

Change is Painful

Workout Day 3:
Jeremy smiled widely today when he saw me. I took this as a bad sign. I was right. The day began with a short warm up, after which I was already nearly out of breath. We then proceeded towards a particularly vile machine set up to work both your legs and your arms. As I worked the machine, Jeremy added weight. At some point during the work out I asked him if many people told him how much they hated him. He laughed and said no. I have my doubts. The training day involved push ups with Jeremy literally pushing down on my back as well as triceps exercises with Jeremy literally pushing down on my arm. I told him this wasn't fair. He laughed and pushed harder. There were two distinct occasions when I felt like I might vomit.

I'm not dead yet, which I suppose is victory unto itself. I am, however, sore and tired. Tomorrow I go to work with instructions from Jeremy to perform 20 minutes of cardio exercise. Wish me luck.

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