Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Band of Brothers

This dream of aviation comes not without its nightmares. Those nightmares usually arrive in the form of shrinking companies, shrinking paychecks, and layoffs. Such is the state of the industry today.

To my brothers and sisters who will find themselves unemployed later this year from Eagle, know that you will be prayed for. Despite inexperience, little rest, and demanding working conditions you still operated safely. Good luck, and God bless.

And the rest of us who remain in this difficult time must remember: despite our low moral and disappointment with these events, the people we carry are loved. They have families and friends who anxiously await their safe return. They look forward to hugs from their children, parents, and grandparents, and handshakes from their coworkers after a job well done. It remains our most heavy responsibility to care for them in their travels, and bring them safely home.

Join me then, all of you who read this blog, in praying for those who have or will be layed off, and also for the safety of the traveling public who remain in our care.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Well said. Flying these days (for passengers as well) is a hassle and a pain. Prices are rising, fees are appearing, and flights are disappearing.

People get mad. I enjoyed your call to charity.

God Bless,