Wednesday, March 21, 2007

And I'm Spent!

The move is over. When I say over, I mean 99% of my worldly possessions are within the confines of my new condo, and 80% of what is here has been placed in its permanent spot. There is very little left to do, which is refreshing when you consider that I've spent all of my time off the last few weeks having different appointments fullfilled, patching holes in the ceiling, buying, moving, and assembling furniture, and connecting wiring for various purposes. The fruits of my labor are now nearly complete. A large amount of credit must be extended to ER, who was always there when I needed him and his pickup truck.

Now aside from moving in a recliner and putting some decorations on the walls, the labor is basically complete.

Glory Hallelujah!

1 comment:

Obi Orjih said...

When are you gonna have me over?