Monday, January 22, 2007

A Roof Over My Head

When I set out to find a condo to purchase everyone told me it would be so much fun, and so exciting! What a crock of shit.

Buying real estate is a stressfull, complicated experience, and don't ever let anyone tell you different. There are 8 million different places to look at. 10 million different loan options. Interest rates, downpayments, percentages, amenities, appliances, etc, etc, etc. It's not exciting, it's nailbiting. It's not fun, it's more like torture.

Making decisions that will affect your entire lifestyle, financial security, and general state of mind for the better part of a decade is starting to stress me out... Can you tell?


Anonymous said...

Hey. I like your blog alot. But you're right, I def. shouldn't put it on SSYM's site. lol Take care


Anonymous said...

This is the house that Dan built... Yeah REAL life and security is messy and hard BUT will pay off in the long run.... Here's to a better quality of life...CHEERS!!