Tuesday, November 15, 2005


Anonymous has returned, and this time, left some clues. He or she is toying with me. Dropping me breadcrumbs, peaking from the shadows...

Clearly our anonymous friend is a lucid, imaginative writter. Since this reveals a reasonable level of intelligence, clearly Dolan and Fisher are no longer suspects. Our mysterious guest also dropped this bit of information, "I know you personally." This leads me to believe it is someone reasonably close to me. When I find the culprit, it will be just like Caesar turning to Brutus. "Et tu, Brute?"

Your face will not remain masked for long, Anonymous...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dolan here-

Ok Higa, the reason that it's not Fish nor myself messing with you on your blog is not that fact that we're not capable of it, but rather we don't care about you enough to bother on a long-term basis.

Trust me, we enjoy making fun of many parts of your life as we do on quite the regular basis (your amazing ability to stay single, the necessity for the seat in the airplane to be raised as high as it goes in order for you to see over the glareshield and of course your mexican heritage), but we don't make it our mission in life. More or less something to kill time with.

And I'm done for now.