Monday, November 22, 2010


Walking into the simulator this morning for my annual torture session I couldn't help but draw rather a strange comparison.

Flying real airplanes rocks. The feelings are amazing, the view is amazing, the fulfillment is amazing. Flying the simulator doesn't quite rock. The feelings are artificial and even the good landings don't quite satisfy.

Is flying the simulator just like life on Earth, and is actually flying more like Heaven?

The simulator is, after all, nothing but a training tool. Lessons are taught. Mistakes are made, retrained, and hopefully corrected. The focus is on achieving a high enough level of competence which will then translate to flying the real thing. Necessarily, the simulator is full of challenges. Engines fail or catch fire. Important systems break at the worst times. The worst possible scenarios play out over and over again. Only the most patient and proficient are able to master the lessons needed...

Actually flying the airplane is never as crazy as the sim. The airplane (for the most part) behaves as its supposed to. The skies are clear and calm. And the landings satisfy.

It's an interesting symbolism isn't it?

From the Airwaves

Recently heard on Fort Worth ground control:

Controller: "United 1234 to San Francisco, taxi to one eight left via the bridge route."

United: "One eight left, bridge route for United 1234. Too bad about your Rangers."

Controller: "Too bad about your expect departure clearance time."